Saturday, July 26, 2014

Don't Just Believe In Miracles, Depend On Them

It's not necessary to understand everything that happens in and around your life.

Just bear in mind, there are such things as miracles, events for which there are no explanations. Later, you may learn or experience something that will explain those events away.

The fact that you plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another’s, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are common miracles.

Your work is to believe that for which you have sufficient evidence, and to suspend your judgement when you have not.

Vision is the art of seeing invisible things.

Related Posts: Believe That It's Possible
Success Is a Choice You Make
Who Is Paul Skulitz

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Believe That It's Possible

The mind is very powerful.  It can literally deliver anything you want through the power of belief and positive expectation.

But first, you must believe that it’s possible.  
Your beliefs and expectations are simply choices and disciplines of the mind.  You can begin by toning down negative thinking and complaints.  Think about the many things we complain about …

I’m tired.  I’m broke.  I hate my job.  My spouse annoys me.  I’ll never find the perfect mate, etc

Take the time to examine your complaints and you may find these are things you can actually do something about.  They are not things being controlled by other people or events.  They are things you can take productive action on.

You can learn to replace old negative thoughts, complaints and expectations with positive ones.

Soon, you will begin to discover that what you want is possible.   Your  powerful mind will start to come up with creative ideas.  Your brain will start to notice people and resources that can help you, and it will attract opportunities into your life.  Eventually, you will learn that even success is a choice.

Once you understand this, nothing and no one can deny you success.  There’s really no one to stop you but yourself.

Your life will always be to a large extent what you make of it.  No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but you.  If you want to be successful, you can be successful.  All you need to do is believe that it’s possible.

Take your first step today and choose to believe that anything you want is possible.  It may feel like you are lying to yourself at first.  But if you continue to do this for 30 days, you will start noticing some amazing results.

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